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Dogs + Behavior & Training

  • Aggression may be defined as any threat or harmful behavior directed toward another individual or group. Aggression in dogs commonly includes body language or threat displays such as a hard stare, growling, barking, snarling, lunging, snapping, and/or biting. There are many different categories or types of canine aggression including territorial, possessive, maternal/protective, pain-related, predatory, frustration, social conflict-related, sexual, disease-related, and fear- or anxiety-related aggression. The most common presentation of aggression is fear or anxiety motivated. The treatment of aggression will depend on the cause of aggression. Aggression should first be discussed with your veterinarian regarding the most appropriate treatment.

  • Territorial behavior is a normal canine behavior, though territorial aggression can result in injury to a person or animal. Many dogs that exhibit territorial aggression have an underlying fear or frustration that contributes to their level of arousal. Territorial aggression may be preventable if recognized and addressed early.

  • Behavior Counseling: Aggression - Introduction

    La agresividad se define como una amenaza o acción lesiva dirigida hacia otro individuo. En animales, las conductas agresivas son un medio de comunicación.

  • Dog Behavior Problems: Aggression Between Household Dogs Part 1: Assessment

    Los perros son animales sociales y por lo tanto están preparados para vivir en grupos. Vivir en manada permite a los lobos trabajar juntos para conseguir comida, criar a los cachorros y defender su territorio. Para miembros de un mismo grupo, es contraproducente luchar entre ellos y correr el riesgo de herirse.

  • Dog Behavior Problems – Aggression to Family Members

    El concepto de dominancia jerárquica se utiliza para describir la relación entre grupos de animales. Los animales que viven en grupo la utilizan por sus ventajas a la hora de criar, conseguir comida y defenderse contra los depredadores.

  • Separation Anxiety in Dogs

    La ansiedad por separación afecta a perros que están demasiado unidos o son demasiado dependientes de la familia. Cuando se separan de los propietarios se vuelven extremadamente ansiosos y manifiestan signos de estrés en forma de conducta destructiva, vocalización (ladridos), micción y defecación inadecuadas (hacer sus necesidades dentro de casa) o inactividad.

  • With a little effort, a lot of patience, the advice of veterinary professionals, and a new anxiety wrap, you and your dog may successfully weather the storm. Take some preventive steps to help distract your dog during storms and use food or toy rewards to make the time less stressful.

  • Barking is a normal and natural behavior for dogs. Underlying physical and behavioral illnesses can trigger barking. Many types of barking can be prevented by ensuring your dog’s needs are met, and by using positive reinforcement to train desired behaviors. This handout provides example scenarios and sample training plans using the ABC method.

  • Dogs and cats use aggressive signals to communicate and can often do this without causing injury. It is important to learn to recognize subtle signals to prevent an escalation of aggression. Some aggression reflects underlying medical and behavioral illness. Any aggressive behavior in dogs and cats should be assessed to determine the cause and establish a safety protocol. Aggressive behavior in dogs and cats can lead to serious injury to people and other pets.

  • Many behavioral concerns reflect normal behavior and can be resolved with simple training. Other behaviors reflect behavioral abnormalities or may have underlying medical or physical causes. A veterinary behaviorist is trained to assess and treat both normal and abnormal behaviors and can identify medical conditions that can affect behavior. An accurate assessment from the start can improve the outcome.